The first place we fished was the Aerojet Canal, near Homestead, Florida. First I caught a peacock bass on a Lindy Watsit Grub. Before today I hadn't ever caught a peacock bass before!! Then Dad caught a peacock bass. dad has caught peacock bass before, but not the same kind as what we caught today. Then we went to a canal off biscayne Bay, where I caught 2 pinfish, which I had never caught before!! Dad caught 3 pinfish. Dad caught 8 mangrove snappers, and I also caught 8 mangrove snappers, which I had never caught!! Dad also caught a largemouth bass on a Rebel Pop-R. We also saw iguanas,which I had never seen before!! Then at the end of the day we went to Outback Steakhouse , where I had never eaten before. Looking forward to tomorrow!!
-Asher Samsel
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